throw things! Specifically, throw tomatoes at AIG ... the company formally known as AIG. Apparently they're changing their name to AIU. I think
Rachel Maddow was on to something when she aired this story tonight. Their new name should be IOU!
Anyway, if you want to throw tomatoes at them, you can do so here:
political involvement
Nov 11, 2008 07:05
Any political junkies who are still following the news have run into insane stories regarding Sarah Palin. I've had a thought about the vehemence of these comments: They are coming from the same smear tactic wizards who tried to convince people that Obama was a Muslim and a Marxist. Just a thought.
A comment ganked from
slytherin_lycan Click to view
Because I think it's
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prop 8,
political involvement
Nov 07, 2008 13:32
How can we possibly elect an African-American to the presidency and legalize discrimination on the same night?! Have we learned nothing as a nation? I have gay and lesbian friends. If they love each other, they should have the right to marry. I was listening to reaction on the radio yesterday and I had to turn it off because I became so angry
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prop 8,
political involvement